请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! 原创: NuChek公司代理生物计划,为什么这么便宜?-Nu-Chek代理咨询-蚂蚁淘商城
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公司旨在为客户提供高质量的实验外包服务(CRO服务),包括实验方案设计,常规基因工程实验操作,重组蛋白表达与纯化,重组抗体制备,天然蛋白分离与纯化,病毒分离培养等免疫学相关技术服务;同时我们也为工业客户提供部分IVD级别抗体和抗原原料。核心平台:---噬菌体抗体展示技术平台苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司利用自有的噬菌体(M13,T7噬菌体)展示技术平台,能够为客户提供极具性价比的重组Vhh抗体(纳米抗体/驼类纳米抗体)制备方案,包括动物免疫,文库建立,文库筛选以及重组抗体的体外表达等。---抗体工程技术平台卡梅德生物科技的抗体工程平台包含单克隆抗体制备服务平台,多克隆抗体制备服务平台,抗体测序与改造平台。单克隆抗体制备平台:基于杂交瘤技术的小鼠单抗技术平台,最快能够在2-3个月获得高亲和力与高特异性的单克隆抗体,同时基于噬菌体展示技术,我司能够制备多物种的重组单克隆抗体,包括小鼠,兔子,骆驼,羊驼以及人单抗。多克隆抗体制备服务平台:能够为客户提供兔多抗,羊多抗,骆驼类多抗,牛多抗等多物种的抗体制备服务,根据不同的抗原类型,来自蚂蚁淘生物的资深抗体专家会为您量身定做适合您需求的方案,以满足您的项目要求并节省您的宝贵时间。抗体一级序列测序平台:为满足大量客户对抗体基因序列与氨基酸序列信息的需求,我们为客户提供De Novo抗体全长氨基酸序列解析和N端测序服务;同时我们设计积累多达80种杂交瘤抗体基因测序引物。抗体改造技术平台:蚂蚁淘生物技术的抗体改造平台包括嵌合抗体制备,抗体亲和力成熟以及抗体人源化服务。目前我们已经成功制备十几例嵌合抗体与人源化抗体,均成功交付。---蛋白表达与纯化服务技术平台蚂蚁淘生物科技目前拥有四大蛋白表达平台,能为客户提供全面且优质的蛋白表达技术服务。哺乳动物表达平台:目前公司拥有Freestyle CHO,Expi CHO,CHO-DG44,HEK293F,Vero等细胞系用于蛋白表达制备。公司秉承质量优先原则,全部统一采用Gibco细胞培养基和相关转染配套试剂,以保证每个批次的哺乳动物细胞蛋白表达产品高质量、高表达水平的交付。同时公司拥有的表达载体体系,远高于市面常用蛋白表达载体,能够为客户提供高纯度蛋白。昆虫细胞表达平台:目前公司常采用的昆虫表达细胞为SF9,配套使用的是来自Gibco的培养基,只...

Nu-Chek has been preparing your highly purified lipid compounds both as individual standards and as model mixtures for the past 45 years.

But that’s not the entire story. We go back to times when criteria of purity was based on such things as Iodine value and melting point.

Pure Methyl Oleate was a compound that contained enough inherent Stearate and Linoleate to give the Oleate its theoretical Iodine value.

Palmitic Acid was often designated as pure when it contained enough Myristate and Stearate to give a correct melting point.

Before the advent of GLC and TLC, triglycerides were synthesized by the interesterification of what was assumed to be pure methyl ester. The reaction end product was made available to researchers as highly purified triglyceride. Of course, chromatography confirmed later that the best of these reactions never went to completion beyond 75%-80%.

Indeed, one can go on indefinitely over incorrect data which has been listed in the literature. Physical data on lipids even when listed in the handbooks is many times not valid.

Within more recent years, scientific research in the lipid field has made some fantastic progress.

Chromatography along with other sophisticated instrumentation has eliminated analysis guess work.

Only those isolated fractions which contain no detectable impurities even with large overloads (as analyzed both by GLC and TLC) are able to pass our rigid purity requirements, and in turn are made available to the scientific community for research purposes.
