请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Neuromics/P2Y2/RA14103/100 ul-蚂蚁淘商城

Neuromics/P2Y2/RA14103/100 ul


Type: Rabbit IgG

Applications: IHC; WB

E=ELISA; FACS; FC=Flow Cytometry; FPLC=Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography; GF=Gravity Flow; HPLC=High Performance Liquid Chromatography; ICC=Immunocytochemistry; IF=Immunofluorescence; IHC=Immunohistochemistry; IP=Immunoprecipitation; NAC=Non-adherent Cell Assays; NB=Neutralization of Bioactivity; SE=Sandwich ELISA; TPE=Targeted Protein Expression; WB=Western blotting; ; AC=Adherent Cell Assays; FM=Fluorescent Micsroscopy; ; ; BSC-CM5= Biacore Sensor Chip CM5; BSM=Biosactive Small Molecule or Peptide; CDM=Cell Differentiation Media; ; ; ; ; ; Health and Fitness; ; ; DNA Extraction/Purification; ; In vivo Like Assays

Species Reactivity: H; M; R

B=Bovine; Ca=Cat; Ch=Chicken; D=Dog; EQ=Equine; GP=Guinea Pig; H=Human; M=Mouse; P=Porcine; Pr=Primate; R=Rat; Rb=Rabbit; Y=Yeast; Xe=Xenopus; Ze=Zebrafish; ; ; ; NA-Not Applicable; STP=Step-Tactin Proteins; All

Format: Affinity Purified - liquid



P2Y2 belongs to the family of G-protein coupled receptors. This family has several receptor subtypes with different pharmacological selectivity, which overlaps in some cases, for various adenosine and uridine nucleotides. This receptor is responsive to both adenosine and uridine nucleotides. It may participate in control of the cell cycle of endometrial carcinoma cells.

Please note this is a replacement for RA14012 (whole serum P2Y2 antibody).

Image: P2Y2 staining of rat DRG

P2Y2: IHC Protocol and Customer Publications

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.cn/b214-neuromics/info-1516334190.html

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