请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Gentarget/Gli-RLuc (RFP) lentivirus in PBS/LVP948-R-PBS/1 Ea-蚂蚁淘商城

Gentarget/Gli-RLuc (RFP) lentivirus in PBS/LVP948-R-PBS/1 Ea


Pre-made lentivirus express Renilla Luciferase reporter under a minimal promoter inserted with 8 tandem repeats of Gli responsive element, for detecting Hedgehog signaling pathway acitvity.

This lentivirus  also express the RFP fluorescent selection / normalization marker under the constitutive RSV promoter.  See  Product Manual (.pdf) for details .

If desired, you can also use a pathway “Control Lentivirus” to establish the No-response control profile to your pathway stimulus. The corresponding pathway control lentivirus is: CAT#: Path-Ctr15. 

This is concentrated lentivirus provided in PBS solution, used for hard-to-transduced cell types or for serum-free cell culture.

Amount:  200ul/per vial, at 1 x 108 IFU/ml in PBS. 

Cat#: LVP948-R-PBS

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.cn/b284-gentarget/info-1463196476.html

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