请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Avanti Polar Lipids_蚂蚁淘(苏州)生物科技有限公司-蚂蚁淘商城

Avanti Polar Lipids_蚂蚁淘(苏州)生物科技有限公司

阿凡提极地脂质公司,有着50年的历史,创造了最高纯度的脂类产品。我们对高质量和独特的产品的热情只会被我们在市场上的良好声誉所超越。 Since its spartan beginnings in a 900 square foot rented laboratory space, Avanti has established a 25 acre manufacturing campus comprised of 11 buildings which house our manufacturing, formulation, analytical, and administrative units. Operations were moved to the current site in Alabaster, Alabama, in 1990, and we have continued to expand our capabilities and attract talented personnel to develop new and innovative products. With over 120 employees diligently working to provide high quality revolutionary lipid products, we have successfully grown our product offering to well over 2000 unique lipids, antibodies, and lipid research tools while maintaining the founding vision established by Dr. Shaw in 1967. Quite an accomplishment considering we started with a catalog containing only a handful of lipids isolated from plant and animal sources. 安诺伦官方微信


本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.cn/b16-avanti/info-1499293894.html

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