请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Zenbio/Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) Coated Cell Culture Plastics/CC-225/-蚂蚁淘商城

Zenbio/Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) Coated Cell Culture Plastics/CC-225/

Collagen Coated I T-225 Flask (EXCLUSIVE!), Vent Cap, Pack of 1

Collagen I - ZenBio is proud to offer collagen I coated Tissue Culture ware. Collagen is one of the more abundant components of the extracellular matrix proteins and the major constituent that gives strength to connective tissue and found in dermis, bone, ligament and tendons. A key role for \"Coatedcollagens is to provide a scaffold for cell attachment differentiation, proliferation, and migration. Numerous studies have shown that anchorage dependent cells grown on collagen have increased proliferation, acquire higher cell densities, and require lower serum and growth factor concentrations. We only use high quality and purity collagen I derived from rat tail.

  • Ready to use right from the package
  • Available in multiple formats
  • High-quality, consistent coating of rat tail collagen I for culturing primary cells
  • Convenient room temperature storage
  • Cost Effective
Material Sterile Shipping Storage Cap Neck
Flask: polystyrenePlates: polystyrene Cap: polyethylene Vent: Hydrophobic
Room Temperature
4-30°C; Shelf life: 6 months from date of shipment

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.cn/b239-zenbio/info-1471515420.html

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