请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! LI-COR/Chemi-IR™ Detection Kit, 100 Western Blots/926-32234/1 Ea-蚂蚁淘商城

LI-COR/Chemi-IR™ Detection Kit, 100 Western Blots/926-32234/1 Ea


This loading indicator is a recombinant 28 kDa protein, labeled with dye to provide signal in the 700 nm channel of Odyssey Imagers. Compatible with both nitrocellulose and Immobilon®-FL PVDF membranes. Works with a variety of gel types and transfer systems and is good for 400 lanes (5 μL/lane) assuming a loading volume of 20 μL total.

After electrophoresis, bands can be visualized around 28 kDa in the gel in the 700 nm channel on the Odyssey and competitor imaging systems. Post-transfer, bands can be visualized at approx. 28 kDa in the 700 channel.

product page • pack insert • msds/sds • Determining Linear Range Protocol • HKP Validation Protocol • Replicate Samples Protocol

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.cn/b347-licor/info-1463954084.html

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