请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! 有谁知道: 进口试剂MCLab直采,好用吗?-MCLab代理咨询-蚂蚁淘商城
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MCLAB (Molecular Cloning Laboratories) is a leader in DNA sequencingservices and consumables. We are committed to providing the bestservices and products to researchers worldwide. MCLAB's large capacityDNA sequencing services (10,000+ reactions in 24 hours) is well knownfor high quality (up to 1000 bp read length), low cost (as low as$3.50/reaction) and fast turn around time (8~24 hours). Our proprietaryDNA sequencing consumables include NanoPOP (DNA Sequencing and FragmentAnalysis Matrix), NanoPOP Running Buffer, BigDye Dilution Buffer, CARE(Capillary Array Regeneration Excellence) solution, and DNA SizeStandards. In Addition, MCLAB also provides many other services,including gene synthesis, protein expression and purification, and codonmaximization. Other products include PCR, Real-time PCR, frozencompetent yeast, E. coli, as well as novel and traditional enzymes formolecular cloning applications.

苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司是一家依托于中科院生命科学领域的高新技术生物公司,致力于生命科学领域产品的研发与销售,蚂蚁淘生物秉承为客户提供高质量产品及优质服务的理念,从事科研机构及生产企业所需的各种品牌生化剂、抗体、血清、ELISA试剂盒、移液枪、中小型仪器设备、耗材等专业进出口公司。主要经营品牌abcam、abnova、peprotech、RD、CST、AbD Serotec、Athens Research Technology、Chemicon 、Evrogen、 Bio-Rad、 Zymed、wako、bachem、Exiqon、Invitrogen、Eppendorf、Bioassay、cayman、TRC、Omega、Promega、Axygen、AssayPro等品牌中国区域.代理商,自成立以来发展迅速,产品服务得到全国广大生产企业、高校、科研院所、医疗系统及相关试剂公司的肯定,我们愿竭尽所能,赛因百奥生物在保证产品质量的基础上将以超低价格为您提供优质服务;同时也为广大经销公司提供充足货源,我们的目标是努力成为国内生物学产品行业专业供应商。
