请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! polysciences/BLI891ABLI891A-1Fluorescein Reference Standard/1 ml/BLI891A-1-蚂蚁淘商城

polysciences/BLI891ABLI891A-1Fluorescein Reference Standard/1 ml/BLI891A-1


Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

Available in three test size volumes:

A - 20 tests (1ml)

B - 100 tests (5ml)

C - 280 tests (2 x 7ml)

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.cn/b5-poly/info-1546302326.html

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