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Bruker Introduces New Products for Preclinical Imaging at WMIC 2014

HomeBioSqueezer 低温组织夹BioSqueezer 低温组织夹BioSqueezer 说明

BioSqueezer 用于快速冷冻动物和人体组织样本。组织在不锈钢夹头下被压缩成薄盘,并在液氮或干冰中预冷却。软组织冷冻发生在几毫秒内,从而捕获细胞中代谢事件的快照。由此产生的硬冷冻组织盘很容易碎裂或研磨,无需解冻,以便随后提取不稳定的核酸、蛋白质和细胞内代谢产物。 BioSqeezer 的操作:将一个小烧杯、聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料杯或类似容器放置在 BioSqueezer 的平台上,然后金属夹降低。将液氮缓慢且小心地倒入容器中,直至液氮的沸腾作用减弱。该冷却过程大约需要一分钟,一旦冷却到液氮温度,不锈钢或铝金属夹头将保持低温状态长达数年。拉尔分钟。取出容器,将样品本身或已放置在塑料袋中的样品放置在平台上,然后快速降低并夹紧旋钮。该夹紧步骤必须快速完成,否则组织样本将在未压缩的情况下冻结。

BioSqueezer 的最佳夹紧设置将根据组织样本的柔软度和大小而变化。尝试使用\"练习”组织调整 BioSqeezer。通过调节不锈钢夹头及其蝶形螺母、黑色塑料螺母和不锈钢六角螺栓的高度来选择对组织的夹紧力和挤压程度。

虽然仍处于硬冷冻状态,但薄薄的组织片可以在其塑料袋内手动破碎。以小片段形式呈现组织样品非常适合快速均质、提取或储存在稳定溶液(例如 RNA Later 或其他赋形剂)中。

Home微型绞肉机微型绞肉机使用说明将黑色橡胶密封件放在螺杆/活塞的尖端上。将 100 至 500 毫克的组织放入塑料一次性内衬的桶中。通常不需要预先切碎软组织。将螺杆/活塞部分插入塑料衬里的筒中,并将该组件滑入不锈钢压机缸中。拧紧压机。根据组织的不同,提取物以肝糊或肝汁的形式从内衬的尖端排出。继续拧紧压机,直到提取出所有样品。超过此点的更大压力会剪切塑料尖端并将其从压力机缸中挤出。对于非常小的样品,一些提取物可能残留在衬管尖端中,但可以用微量移液器或小抹刀去除。拧下压机并处理用过的衬管和活塞密封件。提供的白色塑料扑克有时很有用。HomeBioPulverizerBioPulverizerBioPulverizer 操作说明通用BioPulverizer 是一种冲击工具,可以将硬冷冻至液氮或干冰温度的组织还原为粗冷冻粉末。该方法对于皮肤、软骨和角膜等坚韧组织特别有用。使用 BioPulverizer 进行冷冻破碎通常是细胞破碎的第一步。使用机械破碎器和/或强力提取解决方案对细胞进行最终破碎(请参阅均质器评论:https://biospec.com/resources/cell-disrupters-a-review)。操作说明1)迫击炮由两部分组成...内部不锈钢。套筒和外部不锈钢杯子。研钵的内套筒嵌套在外杯内。内套管中的孔接收组织样本。将 BioPulverizer (BP) 的研钵和研杵放入绝缘容器(例如聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料杯)中,并用液氮彻底冷却**或碎干冰。不锈钢的冷却速度相对较慢,有利的一面是升温相对较慢。将液氮缓慢添加到不锈钢部件中,直至液氮不再以蒸气形式闪蒸,并且一些液氮残留在不锈钢上。2) 添加预冻 (-80)摄氏度或更低)组织到砂浆的井中。新鲜组织会粘在超冷的 BP 上,冲击杵无法插入研钵井中。3) 从隔热容器中取出含有组织样本的 BP,并将其放在坚固的实验台。将有充足的时间利用冷冻血压。将预冷的杵插入研钵的孔中,图案端朝下,然后使用提供的死击锤对杵猛击两到三下。在敲击之间稍微旋转研杵。4) 取下研杵和研钵内套筒,以便轻松接触粉末状样品。重要!粉状组织具有\"干燥”外观,除了高脂肪组织外,可以倒入含有提取液的试管或塑料称重皿中。粉碎当暴露在室温和湿度下时,组织会迅速解冻,因此请快速操作,否则您会得到一团粘糊糊的东西。少量液氮通常可以从当地专门从事液体氮处理的企业获得。焊接设备。液氮可在隔热野餐壶或\"热水瓶”瓶中储存数小时。倒液时请戴上安全眼镜。
Bruker Introduces New Products for Preclinical Imaging at WMIC 2014Bruker also announces First MPI Customer Installation, new PCI Center in Singapore

SEOUL, Korea – September 17, 2014 – At the 2014 World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC, www.wmis.org), Bruker today introduces new products for improved performance and customer experience in preclinical imaging, and announces related achievements:




SkyScan™ 1278, the worlds fastest, low-dose, high-resolution micro-CT: With the launch of the next-generation SkyScan 1278 micro-CT system for in vivo X-ray computed tomography, Bruker is addressing the latest needs of preclinical imaging scientists striving to reduce the radiation dose used in animal studies, while maintaining highest image quality. As part of the development, Bruker has created a new micro-CT spatial beam shaper, which reduces the absorbed dose by up to five times, while maintaining high quality image output.

The SkyScan 1278 has a highly sensitive flat-panel detector that is able to deliver images of mouse heart and lung activities even without a contrast agent. Such images allow the user to explore cardiac and respiratory function, while reducing animal stress and the cost of the study. A full-body animal scan can take 8 seconds or less, reducing run times and increasing the speed of data collection.



Bruker announces the first customer installation of its MPI PreClinical, a preclinical Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) scanner, at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Germany. Significantly, this marks the first time that MPI technology has been delivered in a commercial system. Preclinical MPI is an entirely new technology for in vivo imaging of small animals used in translational research.

The new MPI PreClinical was announced in 2013 and is the result of Brukers collaboration with Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA). It combines Brukers leadership in preclinical imaging with Philips strength in medical imaging. MPI was invented by scientists at Philips and uses the detection of magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles injected into the bloodstream to produce three-dimensional images at millisecond intervals, providing the potential for real-time 3D imaging in vivo. MPIs high time-resolution allows researchers to investigate a range of dynamic issues, e.g. in cardiovascular research, which cannot be studied using other techniques.


NEW PRODUCT: BioSpec 21T Ultra-high Field MRI with CryoProbe

Bruker introduces the BioSpec® 210/11, a new 21 Tesla ultra-high field MRI with CryoProbe™ for small animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). As in vivo investigation shifts from organ and tissue imaging to cellular and molecular research, a significant boost in sensitivity and resolution is required. With the unique 21T MRI, Bruker customers can set new performance benchmarks and gain new insights in preclinical research.
The BioSpec 210/11 is based on Brukers proven 21 Tesla 11 cm USR™ magnet that is already successfully used in FT-mass spectrometry. UltraShield™ magnet technology reduces magnetic stray fields, while Brukers active refrigeration technology virtually eliminates cryogen refills, reducing down-time and user maintenance efforts.



Bruker has enjoyed a long-term partnership with the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC), and the new SBIC-Bruker Preclinical Imaging (PCI) Center in Singapore consolidates bio-imaging capabilities to promote innovation in biological research. The PCI facility, due to open in October 2014, will provide advanced demonstration, training and applications support for Brukers industry-leading preclinical portfolio and multi-modal imaging platforms. By combining PCI technologies and modalities, the center will play a key role in promoting the application of complementary imaging information.

Dr. Wulf I. Jung, President of Brukers Preclinical Imaging division, stated: \"At WMIC 2014, we continue our Innovation with Integrity to enable the success of our customers. With differentiated, high performance products we enable novel preclinical imaging research and gain access to new markets, while maintaining our excellent reputation in the scientific research community.\"

About Bruker Corporation
Bruker (NASDAQ: BRKR) is a leading provider of high-performance scientific instruments and solutions for molecular and materials research, as well as for in vitro diagnostics, industrial and applied analysis. 

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.cn/b697-biospec/info-1432781400.html

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