请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! 细胞凋亡检测试剂盒(FITC) In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,Fluorescein Roche 11684795910-蚂蚁淘商城

细胞凋亡检测试剂盒(FITC) In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,Fluorescein Roche 11684795910

主营产品: ELISA试剂盒,millipore抗体,invitrogen公司,life公司,vectorlabs公司,sigma试剂,sigma,Biorelevant,cellscript,Hyglos,lifecore,NIBSC,Gibco胎牛血清,abcam抗体,roche公司,merck公司,santacruz,Qiagen试剂盒,sigma官网,CST抗体 细胞凋亡检测试剂盒(FITC) In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,Fluorescein 的详细介绍

罗氏细胞检测系列产品自问世以来,历经时间的考验,以其卓越的品质获得了广大业界用户的支持和认可,相关文献达数千篇。细胞凋亡产品特性:☆检测范围广泛:可实现对细胞培养液、组织切片、单个细胞及细胞群落的分析检测,满足日益增长的高通量检测需求。☆检测方法灵活:针对光学或荧光显微镜流式细胞仪、ELISA。☆操作安全:无需接触任何放射性同位素,简便易用。☆产品线丰富:针对不同的细胞凋亡通路,有多种产品可供挑选。一、检测Caspase活性 ①caspase对角蛋白18的裂解作用 产品名及货号:M30 CytoDEATH 12140349001 M30 CytoDEATH,Fluorescein 12156857001 ②Caspase-3活性产品名及货号:Caspase 3 Activity Assay 12012952001 ③Caspase产品名及货号:Homogeneous Caspase Assay,fluorimetric 03005372001 ④Caspase对RARP的裂解作用 产品名及货号:Anti-Poly(ADP-Ribose)Polymerase(PARP) 11835238001二、检测DNA片断 ①TUNEL检测法 产品名及货号:In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,AP 11684809910 In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,POD 11684817910In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,Fluorescein 11684795910 In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,TMR red 12156792910 ②Elisa检测 产品名及货号:Cell Death Detection Elisa 11774425001③凝胶电泳检测 产品名及货号:Apoptotic DNA Ladder Kit 11835246001三、检测膜变化 产品名及货号:Annexin-V-FLUOS 11828681001Annexin-V-FLUOS Staining Kit 11988549001Annexin-V-Alexa 568 03703126001Annexin-V-Biotin 11828690001四、检测DNA合成 BrdU标记检测 产品名及货号:Celluar DNA Fragmentation ELISA 11585045001


In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, Fluorescein

Catalog :11684795910

Pack size :1 kit for up to 50 tests

Kit for the detection and quantification of apoptosis at the single-cell level, based on labeling of DNA strand breaks (TUNEL technology); analysis by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.


Qualitative detection of apoptosis at the single-cell level by fluorescence microscopy and quantitative detection by flow cytometry.


Sensitive: The direct labeling procedure using fluorescein-dUTP reduces background labelingFast: The use of fluorescein-dUTP allows analysis of the samples directly after the TUNEL reactionConvenient: No secondary detection system requiredAccurate: Identification of apoptosis at a molecular level (DNA-strand breaks) and identification of cells at the very early stages of apoptosis

Product Description:

Sample material: Cells in suspension, cytospin and cell smear preparations, adherent cells grown on slides, and frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections.

Background Information:

Widely used methods to determine apoptosis include the analysis of the genomic DNA by agarose-gel electrophoresis and DNA fragmentation assays based on 3H-thymidine and, alternatively, 5-Bromo-2\'-deoxy-uridine. The methods involve the separation of fragmented, low molecular weight DNA from unfragmented, high molecular weight DNA in a given cell population. Thus, these methods do not provide information about the fate of an individual cell in a given cell population, or particularly, in tissue sections. Alternatively, individual apoptotic cells may be microscopically recognized because of the characteristic appearance of nuclear chromatin condensation and fragmentation, but this method is subjective and limited to a relatively narrow time window when the morphological changes are at a maximum.The hallmark of apoptosis is DNA degradation, which in early stages, is selective to the internucleosomal DNA linker regions. The DNA cleavage may yield double-stranded and single-stranded DNA breaks (nicks). Both types of breaks can be detected by labeling the free 3\'-OH termini with modified nucleotides (e.g., biotin-dUTP, DIG-dUTP, fluorescein-dUTP) in an enzymatic reaction. The enzyme terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) catalyzes the template-independent polymerization of deoxyribonucleotides to the 3\'-end of single- and double-stranded DNA. This method has also been termed TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP-X nick end labeling). Alternatively, free 3\'-OH groups may be labeled using DNA polymerases by the template-dependent mechanism called nick translation. However, the TUNEL method is considered to be more sensitive and faster.


Enzyme Solution (TdT), 5 vialsLabel Solution (fluorescein-dUTP), 5 vials

注:1.可以使用快捷键Alt+S或Ctrl+Enter发送信息!2.如有必要,请您留下您的详细联系方式! 主营产品: ELISA试剂盒,millipore抗体,invitrogen公司,life公司,vectorlabs公司,sigma试剂,sigma,Biorelevant,cellscript,Hyglos,lifecore,NIBSC,Gibco胎牛血清,abcam抗体,roche公司,merck公司,santacruz,Qiagen试剂盒,sigma官网,CST抗体 上海蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司 联系人:王先生 联系电话:021-60490116 51875103; 留言:ybiotech@163.com 传真号码:4006768800-5599 公司地址:上海昆明路596#C区202房Email:ybiotech@163.com公司网址:http://www.ybiotech.cn QQ:344843571

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