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Nexcelom Bioscience/Proliferation/Tracer Reagents/200 uL/CS1
Nexcelom Bioscience/Proliferation/Tracer Reagents/200 uL/CS1
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Proliferation/Tracer Reagents

Auto 2000Auto X4X1X2K2Vision CBACeligo
ViaStain™ Calcein AM X XXXXX
ViaStain™ CFSE X
ViaStain™ Tracer BlueX
ViaStain™ CMFDAX
ViaStain™ Total Cell Nuclear DyesX
ViaStain™ Dead Cell Nuclear DyesX
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ViaStain™ Calcein AM

Calcein AM live cell image

Calcein AM (Calcein acetoxymethyl ester) is a cell-permeable, non-fluorescent compound. Upon crossing the cell membrane, calcein-AM is rapidly hydrolyzed by cellular esterases inside live cells. The hydrolysis cleaves the AM group, converting the non-fluorescent calcein AM to a strongly green fluorescing calcein. Because the created calcein is more hydrophilic it is trapped inside the cells with intact membranes. Cells that do not possess active cytoplasmic esterases are unable to convert calcein AM to calcein, and therefore do not fluoresce green. This allows for a quick and easy detection of metabolically-active cells in a sample.

Since calcein-AM does not require DNA binding, it stains all metabolically-active cells and can be used to measure metabolic activity in non-nucleated cells, such as platelets. Because calcein AM is photostable, has low cytotoxicity and does not affect cellular functions, it is a popular stain for the examination of cell vitality and metabolic activity.

ViaStain™ Calcein AM

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Cell permeable viability dye. In live cells, non-fluorescent Calcein AM is converted by cellular esterases into green fluorescing cells.CS1-0119200 uLpdfUS:CalceinEU:CalceinBuy Online

ViaStain™ CFSE

Nexcelom ViaStain™ CFSE is a cell-permeable, non-fluorescent compound. Upon crossing the cell membrane, CFSE is rapidly hydrolyzed by cellular esterases inside live cells converting it from a non-fluorescent to a strongly green fluorescing dye. CFSE then covalently binds to intracellular proteins, making it a good candidate for multi-day cell labeling. Upon cell division, approximately half of the fluorescent label is passed onto the daughter cell. After each successive cell division, the fluorescent intensity of the dye is reduced by half and the staining appears proportionately dimmer. The dye becomes difficult to detect after approximately 3-5 generations.

ViaStain™ CFSE

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Green cell proliferation dye. Upon cell division in labeled cells, each daughter cell receives half the dye that is present in the parent cell.CS1-P0002-1NANABuy Online

ViaStain™ Tracer Blue

The Tracer Blue is designed to uniformly label live cells in the blue fluorescence channel. The non-fluorescing blue dye crosses intact cell membranes and is then converted from non-fluorescent to a strongly fluorescing blue dye. The more hydrophilic fluorescent molecules are trapped inside the cells with intact membranes making the dye ideal for multi-day cell tracking.

ViaStain™ Tracer Blue

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Tracer Blue dye is a UV wavelength cell tracer dye that is retained inside live cells and is used for cell labeling.CS1-P0003-1NANABuy Online

ViaStain™ CMFDA

ViaStain™ CMFDA (5-Chloromethylfluorescein diacetate) is chemically same molecule as CellTracker™ Green CMFDA (trademark of Invitrogen). CMFDA is a cell-permeable, non-fluorescent compound. Upon crossing the cell membrane, it is rapidly hydrolyzed by cellular esterases inside live cells converting it from a non-fluorescent to a strongly green fluorescing dye. Upon hydrolysis, the more hydrophilic CMFDA is trapped inside the cell until cell division. Upon cell division, approximately half of the fluorescent label is passed onto the daughter cell. After each successive cell division, the fluorescent intensity of the dye is reduced by half and the staining appears proportionately dimmer. The dye becomes difficult to detect after approximately 3-5 generations.

ViaStain™ CMFDA

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CMFDA is a green cell tracer dye that is retained inside live cells and is used for cell labeling.CS1-P0001-1NAUS:CMFDAEU:CMFDABuy Online

ViaStain™ Total Cell Nuclear Dyes

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Bright green dye designed to detect nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0008-1100 uLpdfUS:TC-GreenEU:TC-GreenBuy Online
Bright red dye designed to detect nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0009-150 uLpdfUS:TC-Red EU:TC-RedBuy Online
Bright far red dye designed to detect nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0010-140 uLpdfUS:TC-Far-RedEU:TC-Far-RedBuy Online
Bright blue dye designed to detect nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0011-1100 uLpdfUS:TC-BlueEU:TC-BlueBuy Online

ViaStain™ Dead Cell Nuclear Dyes

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Bright green dye designed to detect dead nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0012-1100 uLpdfUS:DC-GreenEU:DC-GreenBuy Online
Bright red dye designed to detect dead nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0013-1100 uLpdfUS:DC-RedEU:DC-RedBuy Online
Bright far red dye designed to detect dead nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0014-150 uLpdfUS:DC-Far-RedEU:DC-Far-RedBuy Online
Bright blue dye designed to detect dead nucleated cells in an end point assay. No wash step, add and read assay.CS1-V0015-1100 uLpdfUS:DC-BlueEU:DC-BlueBuy Online
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