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Versorgungsmanagement in der Praxis des Deutschen Gesundheitswesens

vector pET-DsbA-SLC38A3p was successfully constructed and expressed.The obtained antibody was specific.The protein was confirmed expressed in the cytoplasm of A549 cells.Our work plays a basis for the further study on SLC...

Nuclear Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Interacting Protein 1 2 3Nuclear Fragile X Mental Retardation-Interacting Protein 1 3 4Nuclear FMRP-Interacting Protein 1 3 4NUFIP1, FMR1 Interacting Protein 1 3BA540...

The procedures performed were mitral valve replacement in 2 patients and mitral repair in one, tricuspid valve replacement in one and repair in one, aortic valve replacement in one. The outcome of those patients were ...

Products Primary Antibodies GATA-6 (A549) AntibodyGATA-6 (A549) Antibody #4253Citations (4) We recommend the following alternatives #Product NameApplicationsReactivity 5851 GATA-6 (D61E4) XP® Rabbit mAb Western ...

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