请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! 细胞增殖/毒性检测方法比较及CCK8法活力测定_al_蚂蚁淘,【正品极速】生物医学科研用品轻松购|ebiomall -蚂蚁淘商城
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来自 : mayitao

原标题:细胞增殖/毒性检测方法比较及CCK-8法活力测定 上次咱们小结了CCK-8法的实验流程,今天小编再分享一下 CCK-8法的活力测定,顺便再整理了几种细胞增殖/毒性检测方法优势比较。 活力计算 *细胞活力:细胞增殖活力或细胞毒性活力 活力计算:细胞活力×(%)=[A(加药)-A(空白)]/[A(0加药)-A(空白)] ×100 A(加药):具有细胞、CCK-8溶液和药物溶液的孔的吸光度 A(空白):具有培养基和CCK-8溶液而没有细胞的孔的吸光度 A(0加药):具有细胞、CCK-8溶液而没有药物溶液的孔的吸光度 已发表文献数据 文献引用 Shen, C.T., et al., Metformin reduces glycometabolism of papillary thyroid carcinoma in vitro and in vivo. J Mol Endocrinol, 2017. 58(1): p. 15-23. Jiang, J.Z., et al., Metabolic-induced cytotoxicity of diosbulbin B in CYP3A4-expressing cells. Toxicol In Vitro, 2017. 38: p. 59-66. Liu, X., et al., Rapid hemostatic and mild polyurethane-urea foam wound dressing for promoting wound healing. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2017. 71: p. 289-297. Du Z, et al., MicroRNA31-NDRG3 regulation axes are essential for hepatocellular carcinoma survival and drug resistance. Cancer Biomark, 2017. Cao, C., et al., Osteopontin regulates the proliferation of rat aortic smooth muscle cells in response to gingipains treatment. Mol Cell Probes, 2017. Li, X., et al., Placental growth factor silencing ameliorates liver fibrosis and angiogenesis and inhibits activation of hepatic stellate cells in a murine model of chronic liver disease. J Cell Mol Med, 2017. Liu, S., et al., Macrophage infiltration of electrospun polyester fibers. Biomater Sci, 2017. Shi, G., et al., Sox9 facilitates proliferation, differentiation and lipogenesis in primary cultured human sebocytes. J Dermatol Sci, 2017. 85(1): p. 44-50. Liu, Y., et al., uPAR promotes tumor-like biologic behaviors of fibroblast-like synoviocytes through PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Cell Mol Immunol, 2017. Zhang, S., J. Yin and J. Zhong, Chaetocin reactivates the lytic replication of Epstein-Barr virus from latency via reactive oxygen species. Sci China Life Sci, 2017. 60(1): p. 66-71. Wei, W.J., et al., Propranolol sensitizes thyroid cancer cells to cytotoxic effect of vemurafenib. Oncol Rep, 2016. 36(3): p. 1576-84. Zhou, Y., et al., Synergistic anti-liver fibrosis actions of total astragalus saponins and glycyrrhizic acid via TGF-beta1/Smads signaling pathway modulation. J Ethnopharmacol, 2016. 190: p. 83-90. Yang, Q.L., et al., Sweroside ameliorates alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced cholestatic liver injury in mice by regulating bile acids and suppressing pro-inflammatory responses. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2016. 37(9): p. 1218-28. Li, S., et al., DNA Cleavage and Condensation Activities of Mono- and Binuclear Hybrid Complexes and Regulation by Graphene Oxide. Molecules, 2016. 21(7). Yang, Y., et al., Human CIK Cells Loaded with Au Nanorods as a Theranostic Platform for Targeted Photoacoustic Imaging and Enhanced Immunotherapy and Photothermal Therapy. Nanoscale Res Lett, 2016. 11(1): p. 285. Yang, Y., et al., Human CIK Cells Loaded with Au Nanorods as a Theranostic Platform for Targeted Photoacoustic Imaging and Enhanced Immunotherapy and Photothermal Therapy. Nanoscale Res Lett, 2016. 11(1): p. 285. Li, W., et al., MicroRNA-495 regulates starvation-induced autophagy by targeting ATG3. FEBS Lett, 2016. 590(6): p. 726-38. Wang, H., et al., Notch4 Signaling Pathway of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in a Kawasaki Disease Model Induced by Lactobacillus casei Cell Wall Extract. J Vasc Res, 2016. 53(5-6): p. 340-348. CCK法与其他细胞增殖/毒性检测方法的优势比较 检测方法 MTT法 XTT法 WST-1法 CCK 法 甲臜产物的水溶性 差(需加有机溶剂溶解检测) 好 好 好 产品性状 粉末 2瓶溶液 溶液 1瓶溶液 使用方法 配成溶液后使用 现配现用 即开即用 即开即用 检测灵敏度 高 很高 很高 高 检测时间 较长 较短 较短 最短 检测波长 560-600nm 420-480nm 420-480nm 430-490nm 细胞毒性 高,细胞形态完全消失 很低,细胞形态不变 很低,细胞形态不变 很低,细胞形态不变 试剂稳定性 一般 较差 一般 很好 批量样品检测 可以 非常适合 非常适合 非常适合 便捷程度 一般 便捷 便捷 非常便捷 更多精彩文章请点击返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑:

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