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Applied Biological Materials/SafeView Plus/1.0 ml (10,000X)/60.00
Applied Biological Materials/SafeView Plus/1.0 ml (10,000X)/60.00
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SafeView SeriesPost Staining Dye
LED Viewer CompatibilityYes
Stain ColorGreen

Safe Detection of dsDNA, ssDNA and RNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels.


All SafeView DNA Stains are ISO-13485 certified.

Dispose of SafeView DNA Stains as you would any other non-carcinogenic fluorescent dye (eg. Acridine orange; Propidium iodide).

Shipping Conditions

Shipped on blue ice packs.

Storage Condition

Store at 4°C for up to 2 years.

Unit quantity1.0 ml (10,000X)
Supporting Protocol
  • SafeView Plus Protocol
  • SafeView Plus™
  • Sensitivity Test
  • SafeView Plus Promotional Flyer
Can SafeView be a replacement for ethidium bromide? Can I do gel extraction with it?
SafeView can be used as a replacement for ethidium bromide as they both work on general agarose. We recommend using SafeGreen for downstream cloning applications as SafeView can interfere with the ligation reaction, yielding fewer colonies.
How does SafeView work and why is it not carcinogenic?
There are fluorescent compounds in SafeView and these fluorescent compounds have the capability to bind to DNA. There may be some unknown effects of SafeView that have not been documented but that applies to the SYBR set as well; however, SafeView products are definitely not as carcinogenic as ethidium bromide.
How do I use SafeView products?
The Safe-(Red, Green and White) loading dyes work the same as 6x loading dye, loaded with the sample. SafeView Classic is used directly in the gel and the running buffer.
Does the SafeView differentiate double stranded nucleic acid and single stranded nucleic acid? Does the Safe-(Red, Green and White) work the same way?
Under UV, SafeView Classic emits a green fluorescence when bound to both single and double stranded DNA templates, therefore they cannot be differentiated by this method. It will emit a red fluorescence when bound to RNA templates.The SafeView Stains (Red, Green and White) do not perform in this way and will stain all nucleic acid templates one color.
At what temperature do I store the SafeView products?
All the SafeView products should be stored at four degrees Celsius.
Do I need a special filter for photography of DNA gels stained with SafeView?
Under UV light, SafeView Classic emits a green fluroescence when bound to both single and double stranded DNA templates. It will emit a red fluorescence when bound to RNA templates. No filter is necessary for viewing these colours, however a filter may be needed for photographing the gel.
How long does the SafeView Classic stain last in a gel?
Our in-house testing has shown that SafeView stained gels (>10ng DNA loaded per lane) can still be effectively visualized up to 1 week later with only a slight decrease in brightness. Gels should be stored properly to maintain a good signal, at 4C in the dark, sealed in a plastic bag or pouch with wet paper towel loosely wrapped around the gel.
Why is SafeView (G-108) stain not working on my samples?
Make sure you are following the protocol carefully. It is critical that both buffer and gel have SafeView dye in them otherwise it will not work. This is different from ethidium bromide. You can consider to add 2.5ul of SafeView (instead of 5ul) for every 100ml of running buffer, which will reduce background fluorescence and allow the bands to show with more contrast.
Is it degradable, if so how fast and under what circumstances?
2 hours over 100C
What is the sensitivity of the dyes?
Safe-Green has Excitation Wavelength of 490nm and Emission Wavelength of 525nm, and its sensitivity range is between 0.2-0.6ng.Safe-Red has Excitation Wavelength of 540nm and Emission Wavelength of 630nm, and its sensitivity range is between 0.3-0.8ng.Safe-White has Excitation Wavelength of 370nm and Emission Wavelength of 470nm, and its sensitivity range is between 0.2-0.5ng.SafeView Classic emits green fluorescence when bound to dsDNA and ssDNA and red fluorescence when bound to RNA. This stain has one excitation (490 nm) and two emission spectra (520 nm and 635 nm) and the sensitivity range is between 0.1-0.3ng.SafeView Plus has Excitation Wavelength of 490nm and Emission Wavelength of 525nm and its sensitivity range is between 0.05-0.1ng.
Can SafeView products be used post-stain?
Only SafeView Plus (G468) should be used in a post stain. SafeView classic and Safe Stains are not designed for post-staining. SafeView Classic must be added to the gel and the running buffer prior to the loading of the samples. Safe-(Red, Green and White) stains must be added to the sample before loading it to the gel.
Why is the EtBr signal stronger in the pictures when I compare SafeView with EtBr?
A reason for this is that most gel doc systems have been optimized for EtBr so that is why the EtBr signal may be stronger in the pictures.
will I need an additional loading buffer for my samples?
The loading dye is included in the products. No additional loading buffer needed.
We see migrations and band shifting of our fragments. Are there any recommendations that you can give us to minimize this band shifting?
Shifting is unavoidable and quite natural for any fragments, regardless of the staining agent. We suggest to use SafeGreen ladders, which will give accurate molecular weight with no additional staining agents needed.http://www.abmgood.com/DNA-Ladder-Safe-Green™-100bp-Opti-DNA-Marker-Invitroge-G473.htmlhttp://www.abmgood.com/DNA-Ladder-Safe-Green™-1kb-Opti-DNA-Marker-Invitroge-G474.html
We see shifting and migration of the DNA fragments. What are the recommendations to minimize this?
Shifting is unavoidable and quite natural for such fragments, regardless of the staining. We suggest using SafeGreen ladders, which will give accurate molecular weight with no additional staining agents needed.http://www.abmgood.com/DNA-Ladder-Safe-Green™-100bp-Opti-DNA-Marker-Invitroge-G473.htmlhttp://www.abmgood.com/DNA-Ladder-Safe-Green™-1kb-Opti-DNA-Marker-Invitroge-G474.html
I cannot see 100bp and 200bp bands on a 1% gel. What should I do?
It is very difficult to detect 100bp and 200bp bands in 1% gel with any stains. Higher gel concentrations should be used, such as 2% agarose.
Can I use SafeView products in Polyacrylamide gels?
Yes, we have tested our SafeView products for this application.
Which of the Safe stains will work with blue light / LED?
All of our SafeView stains have been tested in-house to be compatible with UV light. SafeView Classic, SafeView Plus, and SafeGreen will also work under blue light/LED. SafeRed and SafeWhite will only work under UV light.Safe View Plus should only appear green. SafeView Classic will be red for RNA and green for DNA.
What is the approved filter for eliminating the spent running buffer solutions?
Most facilities have approved the disposal of SafeView chemicals directly down the drain, with adequate water flushing or dilution, since SafeView™ products are non-carcinogenic. However, regulations vary between different regions, so please contact your local safety office for disposal guidelines specific to your area. You may review the MSDS of this product for more detailed information.
  • Dlusskaya, E. A., Atrazhev, A. M., & Ashbolt, N. J. "Colloid chemistry pitfall for flow cytometric enumeration of viruses in water" Water Research X 2:100025 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.wroa.2019.100025.
  • Pereira, B. A., Zangeronimo, M. G., Castillo-Martín, M., Gadani, B., Chaves, B. R., Rodríguez-Gil, J. E., … Yeste, M. "Supplementing Maturation Medium With Insulin Growth Factor I and Vitrification-Warming Solutions With Reduced Glutathione Enhances Survival Rates and Development Ability of in vitro Matured Vitrified-Warmed Pig Oocytes" Frontiers in Physiology 9: (2019). DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01894.
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全球领先的生物技术公司Eppendorf正式推出全新X50 PCR仪,具备多项业界领先技术的X50 PCR仪作为Eppendorf PCR的高端旗舰系列,旨在为对PCR有最严格要求的客户提供一站式的解决方案。作为PCR梯度技术的领导者,Eppendorf再次引领行业发展,于X50 PCR仪上配备独一无二的2D-梯度技术。客户将能够一次性探索退火温度和变性温度两组参数,进而根据应用需要达到产量和特异性的完美平衡。新款Mastercyc... 查看更多>
产品摘要:Applied Biosystems™ PCR仪因其极高的可靠性、准确性和用户友好的界面而享有盛誉。我们的MiniAmp™PCR仪拥有上述所有优点,且只包含常规PCR所需的特性... 查看更多>
Nanocs的PEG聚合物; Chromotek羊驼抗体; Polysciences转染试剂; Echelon-inc 脂类研究试剂盒; R&D Systems抗体及Elisa试剂盒; Jackson二抗及封闭血清;... 查看更多>
伯乐梯度PCR仪介绍  一次性PCR扩增可以设置一系列不同的退火温度条件(通常12种温度梯度)的称之为伯乐梯度PCR仪。因为被扩增的不同的DNA片段其zui适合的退火温度不同,通过设置一系列的梯度退火温度进行扩增,从而一次性PCR扩增就可以筛选出表达量高的zui适合退火温度进行有效的扩增。主要用于研究未知DNA退火温度的扩增,这样既节约时间,也节约经费。在不设置梯度的情况下亦可当做普通的PCR用。  伯乐梯度PCR仪除具标准PCR仪功能 查看更多>
Viskase透析袋;Sigma-Aldrich试剂;AccuStandard 标准品;Millipore抗体;Glen Research 核酸合成试剂;Bio-Rad电泳仪及PCR仪;Nanocs的PEG聚合物; Chromot... 查看更多>
上海纳兹仪器有限公司在发布的Sensoquest LabCycler 梯度PCR仪供应信息,浏览与Sensoquest LabCycler 梯度PCR仪相关的产品或在搜索更多与Sensoquest LabCycler 梯度PCR仪相关的内容。 查看更多>
生命科学学院[PCR仪]采购项目公告 查看更多>
从RNA提取到基因的定量研究,已经成为一条经典的研究策略;其在科研、临检、进出口、公安等众多领域的应用日益广泛。不过由于RNA提取以及荧光定量PCR实验的有效性和可信度要求,使得这一实验方案在实验操作、实验设计以及实验数据分析方面,对于实验人员的要求越来越高。另外,荧光定量仪器价格高昂,实验室的普及程度远低于常规PCR仪,这也成为科研工作者掌握此 查看更多>
PCR仪如何选型?ABI 2720现货促销 查看更多>
bio-rad伯乐 T100 PCR仪 bio-rad pcr仪货号:1861096T100 PCR仪传承Bio-Rad性能稳定、技术创新的理念,是科研人员的明智之选。流线型简洁设计的T100 PCR仪包括诸多优点,让您的PCR实验如此简单。bio-rad伯乐 T100 PCR仪 bio-rad pcr仪bio-rad梯度生成仪bio-rad核酸蛋白测定仪bio-rad细胞计数仪bio-rad转基因系统bio-rad脉冲场电泳槽bio- 查看更多>
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定量PCR仪主要由两部分组成,一个是PCR系统,一个是荧光检测系统。选择定量PCR仪的关键——由于定量PCR必需借助样本和标准品之间的对比来实现定量的,对于定量PCR系统来说,重要的参数除了传统PCR的温控精确性、升降温速度等等,更重要的还在于样品孔之间的均一性,以避免微小的差别被指数级放大。至于荧光检测系统,多色多通道检测是当今的主流趋势——仪器的激发通道越多,仪器适用的荧光素种类越多,仪器适用范围就越宽;多通道指可同时检测一个样品中的多种荧光,仪器就可以同时检测单管内多模版或者内标 样品,通道越多,仪器适用范围越宽、性能就更强大。



国产的最好的当属博日PCR了,他们是大和热磁的子公司,他们pcr的核心部件半导体就是大和热磁生产的,比一些进口pcr用的材质都要好很多的,我们是博日的签约代理商。 当然了,不是我们代理他们东西就说他们的好,另外还有朗基,依科赛等也不错。