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QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit

The QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit (RUO) is a next generation sequencing (NGS) research tool that interrogates 46 hotspot regions (amplicons) within 21 genes that are commonly mutated in a number of solid and hematological malignancies.  The kit detects over 1,500 known variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions/deletions (indels), and structural rearrangements.  Leveraging our proprietary NGS-in-a-Box™ workflow and Sample-Aware™ bioinformatics quality control solutions, this kit provides a simple, robust, and reliable NGS assay for the routine investigation of these genomic variants.

Features & Benefits

The QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit combines Asuragen’s unique NGS-in-a-Box™ solution with a streamlined testing workflow to enable unprecedented NGS workflow efficiency and high sensitivity at low input amounts from precious FFPE samples.

Reduced ComplexityAssay incorporates sample-to-data solutions in a unique NGS-in-a-Box™ configuration

  • Detects >1,500 variants from commonly mutated genomic regions across multiple tumor types
  • End-to-end kitted solution
  • Fully integrated data analysis pipeline

Optimized WorkflowProvides operational efficiencies to reduce testing costs, hands-on and total turnaround time

  • Reduced labor required for library preparation
  • Improved turnaround time enables higher throughput
  • Common workflow across portfolio streamlines training & implementation

Quality PerformanceHighly sensitive assay with integrated, Sample-Aware™ bioinformatics software and built-in quality checks to minimize erroneous results and sample failures

  • Highly sensitive detection of DNA-based variants
  • Low input (~20ng) of DNA from FFPE
  • Sample-Aware™ bioinformatics analysis and sample quality control

Product Description

Relevant ContentThe QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit detects over 1,500 genomic variants as reported in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) Database within 21 genes, representing approximately 80% of known variants within these targets.

Table 1: Mutation coverage of QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit

Table 2: Clinical relevance of covered mutations

1NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines*Includes gastric, pancreatic, glicomas, sarcomas, and other tumor types

A Fully Integrated WorkflowA unique NGS-in-a-Box™ configuration offers a simplified and fully integrated NGS workflow with cGMP-manufactured reagents, components and controls ready to use.


  • An internal quality control kit to measure the absolute copy number of amplifiable DNA and reports PCR inhibition
  • Gene-specific PCR primers and Master Mix reagents
  • Dual-index barcodes for sample multiplexing
  • Library purification and quantification reagents
  • Integrated data analysis and reporting software (QuantideX NGS Reporter)

Rapid & EfficientAdopt and run NGS-based analysis with minimum investment of time and resources, regardless of NGS experience and infrastructure.

  • Fully integrated workflow reduces complexity and ensures reliable reagent quality
  • Push-button analysis & reporting makes bioinformatics easy and efficient, regardless of experience level
  • Integrated kit reduces overall workflow time

Performance Data

Highly Sensitive and Accurate Detection of DNA Mutations

QuantideX® NGS Reporter

Push-button analytics & reporting suite – Set-up-and-go workflow designed for easy installation and implementation, right out of the box.

Operates on a standard desktop computer – Install locally on a desktop computer using Windows® operating system.  No prior bioinformatics experience or large server environments required.

Comprehensive– Full bioinformatics and reporting of variants (SNVs, Indels), and standard QC metrics are automatically calculated.

Integrates Sample-Aware – Bioinformatics with integrated functional template copy number analysis dramatically reduces false-call rates.



Next-Generation Sequencing Within Your Reach: Implementation of an Actionable Mutation Panel for Molecular Oncology Testing


Analytical Validation Of The QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit, A Diagnostic NGS System for the Detection of Actionable Mutations in FFPE TumorsView full poster

A Machine-Learning Framework for Accurate Classification and Quantification of Oncogenic Variants Using the QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 KitView full poster

A Simple and Versatile Next-Generation Sequencing Technology for Co-Detection of RNA Structural Variants and DNA Mutations in Lung CancerView full poster 


Product NameNumber of ReactionsCatalog Number
QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit*4846108

T 1.877.777.1874 | 512.681.5200 F 512.681.5202 E orders@asuragen.com

View Sales Contacts

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in Diagnostic procedures.

QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit

The QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit is an in vitro diagnostic, next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel for the detection of clinically relevant variants across a multitude of tumor types, including non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and melanoma.  The kit screens for over 1,500 known genomic variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions/deletions (indels), and structural rearrangements, many of which are treatable with novel therapies, inform on patient management, or are the subject of further clinical evaluation.  Leveraging our proprietary NGS-in-a-Box™ workflow and Sample-Aware™ bioinformatics quality control solutions, the panel provides a robust and reliable NGS solution for the identification of clinically relevant targets you and your clinicians can trust.

Features & Benefits

The QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit combines Asuragen’s unique NGS-in-a-Box™ solution with a streamlined testing workflow to enable unprecedented NGS workflow efficiency and high sensitivity at low input amounts from precious FFPE samples.

Reduced ComplexityAssay incorporates sample-to-data solutions in a unique NGS-in-a-Box™ configuration

  • Detects >1,500 variants from commonly mutated genomic regions across multiple tumor types
  • End-to-end kitted solution
  • Fully integrated data analysis pipeline

Optimized WorkflowProvides operational efficiencies to reduce testing costs, hands-on and total turnaround time

  • Reduced labor required for library preparation
  • Improved turnaround time enables higher throughput
  • Common workflow across portfolio streamlines training & implementation

Quality PerformanceHighly sensitive assay with integrated, Sample-Aware™ bioinformatics software and built-in quality checks to minimize erroneous results and sample failures

  • Highly sensitive detection of DNA-based variants
  • Low input (~20ng) of DNA from FFPE
  • Sample-Aware™ bioinformatics analysis and sample quality control

Product Description

Relevant ContentThe QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit detects over 1,500 genomic variants as reported in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) Database within 21 genes, representing approximately 80% of known variants within these targets.  Several of these variants are associated with approved therapies, while others are currently in trials to clarify their clinical significance.

Table 1: Mutation coverage of QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit

Table 2: Clinical relevance of covered mutations

1NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines*Includes gastric, pancreatic, glicomas, sarcomas, and other tumor types

A Fully Integrated WorkflowA unique NGS-in-a-Box™ configuration offers a simplified and fully integrated NGS workflow with cGMP-manufactured reagents, components and controls ready to use.


  • An internal quality control kit to measure the absolute copy number of amplifiable DNA and reports PCR inhibition
  • Gene-specific PCR primers and Master Mix reagents
  • Dual-index barcodes for sample multiplexing
  • Library purification and quantification reagents
  • Integrated data analysis and reporting software (QuantideX NGS Reporter)

Rapid & EfficientAdopt and run NGS-based analysis with minimum investment of time and resources, regardless of NGS experience and infrastructure.

  • Fully integrated workflow reduces complexity and ensures reliable reagent quality
  • Push-button analysis & reporting makes bioinformatics easy and efficient, regardless of experience level
  • Integrated kit reduces overall workflow time

Performance Data

Highly Sensitive and Accurate Detection of DNA Mutations

QuantideX® NGS Reporter

Push-button analytics & reporting suite – Set-up-and-go workflow designed for easy installation and implementation, right out of the box.

Operates on a standard desktop computer – Install locally on a desktop computer using Windows® operating system.  No prior bioinformatics experience or large server environments required.

Comprehensive – Full bioinformatics and reporting of variants (SNVs, Indels) and standard QC metrics are automatically calculated.

Integrates Sample-Aware – bioinformatics with integrated functional template copy number analysis dramatically reduces false-call rates.



Next-Generation Sequencing Within Your Reach: Implementation of an Actionable Mutation Panel for Molecular Oncology Testing


Analytical Validation Of The QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit, A Diagnostic NGS System for the Detection of Actionable Mutations in FFPE TumorsView full poster

A Machine-Learning Framework for Accurate Classification and Quantification of Oncogenic Variants Using the QuantideX® NGS DNA Hotspot 21 KitView full poster

A Simple and Versatile Next-Generation Sequencing Technology for Co-Detection of RNA Structural Variants and DNA Mutations in Lung CancerView full poster 


Product NameNumber of ReactionsCatalog Number
QuantideX NGS DNA Hotspot 21 Kit*4876044

T 1.877.777.1874 | 512.681.5200 F 512.681.5202 E orders@asuragen.com

View Sales Contacts

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in Diagnostic procedures.

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数码相机的发展真可谓一日千里,近来各种新的感光技术纷纷涌现。很多数码相机生产厂商大肆宣扬自己的产品像素有多少多少高,画质怎么怎么好。顾客在选购数码相机时也比较困惑,心里没底。为了让大家对目前市场上常见的三种数码相机感光芯片--CCD、SUPER CCD、CMOS有一个大概的了解,我们对这三种 查看更多>
Leica简史:35mm照相机的诞生在本世纪初,工业革命盛兴之际,人们所生产的工业产物无不以硕大、操作复杂为傲。同样地,当时的照相机亦是如此。木造的机身加上固定的镜头、快门无法调整速度、底片为大型的玻璃材料,无一不是体积庞大,却又操作困难的东西,这就是当时的相机。如果再加上当时摄 查看更多>
by Vincent R. Klump, Jr., HT (ASCP), Histology Services, East Haven, CT note: Mr. Klump was instrumental in the development of a standardized, consistent, repr 查看更多>
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Arshad Desai4/94Cells:We grow our CHOs with MEM[[alpha]] (without nucleosides) + 10% Bovine Calf Serum and penn/strep/glutamine. For a prep it is best to grow 查看更多>
话说美能达公司Minolta公司是第一家生产出机身一体化AF单反机的公司。自1985年生产出α7000后,其光辉和荣耀达到其顶峰。当时它的广告词是:未来的相机都是这样的。经历了十几年的风风雨雨,这一预言得到了证实。Minolta公司单反机的开发思路还算清晰,以几年一代的步伐有步骤地发展:第一代α系列(19 查看更多>
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光声成像 123
图1 光声成像工程 (a)光声信号激发与探测;(b)光声成像实现过程示意图




















根据我理解所说完美像应该指达衍射极限像质吧 近做反射式光系统理论单抛物面反射镜像质能达衍射极限且反射系统完全存色差 反射系统体积难控制且应用领域限
光系统设计难各种光系统都各自特点所像质优化重点全致 没像数或者物理领域种著名课题 希望能帮
在图的照相机、反光镜、放大镜、投影仪四个光学仪器中,与其它三个成像原理不同的是(  )A.B.C.D.